Preferred Pronoun Pins
These pins have been brought into our inventory in order to support three amazing organizations in our community. Below is information about these organizations, as well as information regarding where your money goes when you buy a pin from us.

The Organizations
1 - Chilliwack Pride
2 - The Gender Support Network
3 - The Trans Youth Alliance
Where Does My Money Go?
We have set our pin price at $19.97, before taxes (we do still have to charge and collect taxes). But where does the $19.97 go? The pin cost is $7.00. We keep this amount in order to replenish our stock. This ensures that even if business is slow for us, that we are still able to keep this item in stock to generate donations. The remaining $12.97 is equally divided between the three organizations. We will hold the money so that we can donate a larger lump sum on a quarterly basis until we generate enough donations to contribute on a monthly basis.